Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to Fool a King

What I thought this meant was that, Diego Columbus twisted the words of the Friar and made it seem like he wanted the king to have no gold or riches but letting the Tainos go. And that by sending him to Spain would be a punishment, when actually it was a trick to send Diego and the others back to their land where they are more worthy, and have more riches.

Morning Girl Response

What I thought about morning girl was that it wasn't my favorite book. To me it made no sense and was boring, in the sense that it didn't seem to have a plot. It seemed random and not something that I would be interested in reading because, I wish it didn't end with Columbus going there, and back. I wished they had more detail to it and not such a boring plot. Now I do think that it was a great opening for history when we talked about how cruel the Spanish were to the Tainos. Just about how they talked about there land, culture and their nature names.

Encyclopedia Entries #3

Setter positions, different places on the court. Bump, set, spike, block, dive, and more. So much to handle in a small game. As sweat tears roll down my face, adrenaline shoots through my veins. Running up and down the court, double checking the score, were ahead by 14 points. Not worried, a ball in the net wins us our game point. Trinidad wins.

Rock band
Having the free will to play any instrument, including Piano, Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, or even behind the mic, but there is much more. Smiling on the inside, as the look of determination and focus takes over your body. At the end of practice, its one tiring Friday, ready to go home.

Two Voices Poem

Morning Girl

·         Lives for the morning

·         I would die for the stars.

·         Come from the same family.

·         I like to help others.

·      I like to track mud through the house.

·         We both like nature.

·         I like to be clean and organized.

·         I focus on myself.

·         We live up to our names.

·         I live in reality.

·         I hear things as a rock I never could before.

·         We both like adventure.

·         We like being with family.

·         I bieng alone.

·         We have respect for explorers.

·         I want to see what others see.

·         I don’t care what I look like.

·         We love our land.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Never Rollerblade in the House

       A fun way to kill some time is by rollerblading, except that it cant always be too much fun when you have a needle through your hand.
       After dinner time, you always got that kid feeling when there was practically nothing to do. Well that what I thought at least. At that time my carpet was being fixed, so we wern't supposed to walk around bare-foot, because you may end up with a needle through your hand, but maybe instead of shoes, I should have worn gloves.
       What better idea to do than to rollerblade? So my brother and I strapped on our skates, and tied every bow neatly and quite slowly, then stumbled a few times as we got out balance, and before you knew it, we were off! We would slow down to skid around corners making small streaks in the floor, and would speed up for the long hallways. The as we neared the end of the hallways, a shoe lace came loose on my right skate, and as I rolled over it I tripped over the lace and my hand fell straight through the needle on my carpet.
       Screaming as I fell straight onto the poisonous horns of the devil for what it felt like, I screamed at my brother to go and get my mom, and before Ryan reached the bedroom door, my mom came flying out the door, with worry in her eyes.
       We rinsed my hand as sniffle after sniffle came out my nose, as my mom wrapped up the white goo coming out of the center of my hand.
       Well I for one learned that its never a good idea to rollerblade in the house when you have dangerous things laying around that can hurt you.



For my nature name in Language Arts, I chose, Parrot, because a parrot loves to talk and sing and so do I but mainly because, Parrots are made up of many different colors, and I think each color on a parrot could represent a different character trait of me. For example: Blue=Sports, Red=Music Yellow=Art and so on. So to be a parrot, I'm many different things which make me, myself.

Encyclopedia Entries

Encyclopedia Entries

When I play the piano, its like I slowly sail off in a boat made of black and white keys, and a sea that is made of musical notes that flow so perfectly its like the boats not moving. I enter a land of challenges as I have to jump from the highest note in the sky, to the lowest note on the ground. Leaving the land as I float back in the roughest seas, and crashing the boat onto an island, I am alive, and slowly I walk back home, to the last note in the song.

Trying to focus on work in school, as buckets of angel tears pour down. As Gods sigh of sadness blows the tears to the west, the loud sounds of screaming in the sky's make out the thunder. Gunshots of non-believers shoot god in his heart and injure him, making our lightning. Running home like a cheetah hunting its prey, I play a game, avoid the angels tears, to make them dry, i'm home.

Six Word Memoirs, Tweet Memoir

Six Word Memoirs:

Work in the air, complete silence.

Bump, set, spike. Trinidad's first win.

Wake up early, another school day.

Fiddling with pencil, trying to think.

Tweet Memoir:

Disney World
Jumping out of the car door and rushing through the gate into disneyworld as your vains scream with excitment. Trying to complete every, ride and trying to get to every store, as you take small breaks for mickey mouse ice cream, and pictures with cinderella. Tired at the end of the day, its a very long car ride home.