Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Encyclopedia Entries

Encyclopedia Entries

When I play the piano, its like I slowly sail off in a boat made of black and white keys, and a sea that is made of musical notes that flow so perfectly its like the boats not moving. I enter a land of challenges as I have to jump from the highest note in the sky, to the lowest note on the ground. Leaving the land as I float back in the roughest seas, and crashing the boat onto an island, I am alive, and slowly I walk back home, to the last note in the song.

Trying to focus on work in school, as buckets of angel tears pour down. As Gods sigh of sadness blows the tears to the west, the loud sounds of screaming in the sky's make out the thunder. Gunshots of non-believers shoot god in his heart and injure him, making our lightning. Running home like a cheetah hunting its prey, I play a game, avoid the angels tears, to make them dry, i'm home.

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